Monday, April 30, 2012

Podcasts Have Lasting Impressions On Me

After listening to those podcasts I still remember how to say 'A croissant, please!" At least I won't starve if I go to France!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Week Four: Going Strong?

This week I compiled a list of useful French phrases and questions, such as 'How are you?' What's your name?' 'I'm Emma' and the likes. These will be the phrases I need to know at the end of my 20% for my final test. I looked up the phrases in French, and all I need to do is transfer them to flashcards, which I didn't do in class do to the lack of those little paper rectangles in Humanities. Goodbye.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Week Three: Slowly, But Surely

Hello! I believe I have begun to learn French! Podcasts were key! I got through three podcasts in one class, so next time I need to: a) Download about five podcasts- I probably won't get through them all, but just in case. b) Make an account on to reimburse what I learn from my podcasts I listen to.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Week Two: Learning French is Harder Than It Looks...

Especially if you are just looking. After two weeks of attempting to learn French through reading and flashcards, I have decided that visually is not the way to go while learning a language. Not only do you need a fine mix of visual and audio, but based of a test I took for my sister's science project, I learn better audio. This basically means I've been doing this all wrong. So, starting next Friday, I will be reinforcing my discoveries by listening to podcasts while following along on paper, visually. Hopefully this is the solution to my language learning.... Issues.... Emma