Friday, June 8, 2012

Last week: Important French Questions

Here is the list I compiled out of school of important things to know how to say in French. Q. What's your name? Comment t'appelles-tu? A. My name is Emma. Je'mappelle Emma. Q. How are you? Comment allez-vous? A. I am good. Ca vais bien. Q. Where do you come from? Ou venez-vous? A.I am from America. Je suis americaine. Q. How old are you? Quel age avez-vous? A.I am fourteen years old. Je suis quatorze ans. Q. How's the weather? Comment est le climat? A. The weather is good. Le temp est beau. I have studied these and successfully memorized all of them, by use of flashcards.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Extra Help!

As the end date from my 20% time comes closer, I feel pretty nervous about learning all I need to in about a week. Luckily, my mother, who used to speak some French, has agreed to help me. This is good, because my Learning Styles quiz also said that it is easy for me to learn verbally. Also, I discovered a good French app for looking up words in French! Good help in making flashcards!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Update: Learning S-L-O-W-L-Y

Due to the many, many tests we have leading up to the end of the year, I have not really had the chance to study French, but, I have made my flashcards, and plan to study ASAP.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Week Five: Dead Fish and Quirky Creatures

I read many picture books in french this week. Except they also had the English words next to the french. If I say so my self, I'm getting pretty good at reading french, but not holding conversations. I used flashcards, showing me the word in English, not in french, then saying the world in french, if I know it. I guess I;m getting better, but I definintly need to work on flashcards this week.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Podcasts Have Lasting Impressions On Me

After listening to those podcasts I still remember how to say 'A croissant, please!" At least I won't starve if I go to France!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Week Four: Going Strong?

This week I compiled a list of useful French phrases and questions, such as 'How are you?' What's your name?' 'I'm Emma' and the likes. These will be the phrases I need to know at the end of my 20% for my final test. I looked up the phrases in French, and all I need to do is transfer them to flashcards, which I didn't do in class do to the lack of those little paper rectangles in Humanities. Goodbye.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Week Three: Slowly, But Surely

Hello! I believe I have begun to learn French! Podcasts were key! I got through three podcasts in one class, so next time I need to: a) Download about five podcasts- I probably won't get through them all, but just in case. b) Make an account on to reimburse what I learn from my podcasts I listen to.